Thursday, 2 January 2014


I am usually pretty good when it comes to baking, not GBBO standard, but not bad.
However things seem to have changed since I got here. I don't want to be a poor workman that blames his tools but ... The flour is different and the butter - well what can I say! My fail-safe chewy chocolate-chip cookies were a distaster and tasted so awful that I couldn't even bring myself to give them to the dogs next door! Having said that, the pastry I made for quiche was possibly the best I have made in a long while.

So abandoning the butter, I am looking at recipes that use vegetable oil instead, like muffins, and indeed, they are working a treat; moist, light and tasty even when a day old (strange as mine were always best eaten warm when in the UK). For breakfast the last few days, we have feasted on fresh orange and raisin muffins, carrot and ginger muffins and today the kids will be fed chocolate and coconut ones when they finally surface (if there are any left by then). 

This mornings batch.

Not sure if the waistline will decrease though!

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