Saturday, 5 October 2013

Is it good luck when ...?

Why is it you never have a camera when you need one?

Just popped into Coco to try and get YS a pair of shoes. Hanging from the trees outside the shops were about ten black monkeys! There were even a few babies too. Just swinging from tree to tree, watching the people below in the streets, munching on a few leaves. Most probably howler monkeys. But this afternoon, they all were very quite, no howls could be heard: this usually only takes place either in the early morning or evening, when they are checking out the area for competitors. The beach-side boutiques in Coco are obviously not worthy of defending!

Really rather beautiful and quite fascinating creatures ... that is until they started pooping!!! Large splats of what looked like chocolate ice cream were falling from the branches onto the road below. "One scoop or two senor?".  Luckily, no Tico or turismo were in the line of fire!

It did make me wonder though, if monkey poop on your shoulder, like pigeon poop, is considered lucky? Google didn't throw up any answers, but it did lead me to a site where monkey poop beans make the best coffee - YUCK! Now I know why I prefer tea.

The Three Monkey Musketeers.

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