Sunday night: couldn't sleep! The recurring stomach cramps that have plagued me since childhood reappeared once again. Sunday night always means that Monday morning is not far behind. Sunday night usually leads to questions such as "Is your back packed? Have you got your pencil case? Do you need your PE kit?". As an adult, no matter who you are, Sunday night ALWAYS means "Oh God, it's work tomorrow". To me Sunday night has always been similar to a trip to the dentist: the thought of it is always worse than the actuality. However, the dread I feel on the Sunday night before starting a new school, or job, well, that is like a trip to the dentist, combined with both toothache and earache and perhaps some labour pains thrown in for good measure. Needless then to reiterate that Sunday night: couldn't sleep!
Monday morning: the alarm trills its happy tune at 5.45 a.m!!!! Yes, that is correct - 5.45 in the morning! The sun is still rising. After at least eight weeks 'time off for good behaviour I have to prepare two packed lunches. The boys start school today!!! A bi-lingual school called Teocali Academy. Out of the schools we visited, the whole family preferred this one even though it is about 30 kms away. Hopefully the boys will be 'hablar Espanol' in no time and can teach me!
So the boys struggle out of their pits about 6 o'clock, flop down on our garden chairs that are indoors (as yet still no container with out belongings) and partake in a subdued bowl of cornflakes. Just as before in England, the three of us communicate little with each other in the mornings: DH gets up however and speaks a great deal; "Do you want this? Do you want that? Are your excited? Are you nervous?" and so on and so on...
Both look very smart in their new uniforms (white polo shirt and beige trousers). The obligatory 'First Day at New School' photo shoot then takes place. September in England is usually quite sunny, as most of the photos I have of such occasions are usually set against a late summer sun. Little girls often return to school in their summer dresses and boys in their shorts. However, it still seems odd that these 'First Day' photos are taken in front of a pool with the ocean view stretching out behind. Naturally I am banned by the kids to publish said photos!!
Whereas I feel positively nauseous and nervous all day, the boys appear to take it all in their stride. When we collect them from school, both are smiling (that chips away at my anxiousness); both have made friends (another chip) and both chat all the way home about their day (anxiety nearly all crumbled away). They even want to catch the school bus in the near future; more time with theirpeers, after such a long and uninterrupted time with us!
So another 'First' conquered here in Costa Rica. Real life is beginning and a routine will no doubt follow.
Bonus! As kids have to get up at some un-godly hour, they are both cream crackered and are in bed by 7.30!
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